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Support programs for student athletes

Bocconi Sport Athletes

APPLICATION CLOSED - Reopening in september


Applicants who have been admitted to the first year of one of the following programs for the academic year of reference (2024-25):

  • Bachelor of Science
  • Master of Science
  • Integrated Master of Arts

Students enrolled in one of the following programs:

  • Bachelor of Science
  • Master of Science
  • Integrated Master of Arts

Students who have been admitted or already enrolled on postgraduate University Master programs (I and II level), SDA Bocconi School of Management post-experiences and specialized master programs and PhD programs.

Categories of interest

This category includes student-athletes who play competitive sports with teams that are part of the Bocconi Sport Team. The teams included in the “Bocconi Sport Athletes” program for the Academic Year 2024-25 are:

  • Fip men's basketball 
  • Fip women's basketball
  • Fipav women's volleyball 
  • Fipav men's volleyball 
  • Fin men's waterpolo

Support services available

Athletes selected for the Bocconi Sport Athletes support program will be entitled to the following benefits:

  • the chance for priority access to the Bocconi University Residence 
  • study award and reimbursement of expenses for athletes
  • free use of the fitness area at the Team Sport Arena with dedicated trainers
  • use of services at the “Bocconi Sport Center” (pool, gym, fitness) at special terms 
  • "Player Development" trainings
  • Premium Line for technical sports equipment
  • medical certificate for competitive sports
  • dedicated conventions for diagnostic exams
  • dedicated convention with nutritionist
  • medical and/or physioterapic services

How to apply and admission information

Admission to the “Bocconi Sport Athletes” program will occur upon submission of an application to the specific call for applications. The procedure is summarized below.

The Sport Athletes support program is compatible and can be combined with other scolarships granted by Bocconi University.


Before the call for applications the Technical Committee shall define which teams in the Bocconi Sport Team are eligible for the “Bocconi Sport Athletes” program.
The teams included in the “Bocconi Sport Athletes” program for the Academic Year 2024-25 are:

  • Fip men's basketball
  • Fip women's basketball
  • Fipav women's volleyball 
  • Fipav men's volleyball 
  • Fin men's waterpolo


From thursday 23rd may to friday 14th June 2024 students and potential new students (those who have taken the entrance test and are waiting for the outcome) of the competitive teams of Bocconi Sport Team, defined as suitable by the Technical Commission, can participate in the call by sending an email to the address with the object "Sport Athletes application":

  • motivation letter
  • Sports CV
  • certificate of admission to Bocconi University for the academic year 2024-25 (students enrolled for the academic year 2024-25)
  • certificate of enrolment at Bocconi University (students already enrolled)

*The renewal of the assignment of the "Sport Athletes" support program for the student-athletes of the aforementioned teams, already included in the program, will be finalized by the Technical Commission. The submission of the documentation is not required.


After the deadline for the call for applications, 14th June 2024, the Technical Committee shall meet to assess the applications submitted by students already enrolled and students admitted to Bocconi University.
The Technical Committee shall assess the motivation letters and CVs of the applicants and may also use individual interviews in the selection process.
The Technical Committee shall be composed of:

  • coach of the team for which the application was submitted
  • Director of Sports for the Bocconi Sport Team
  • Rector’s Delegate for Sports
  • Directors of the University’s Students and Sport&Wellness Organizational Units


Bocconi University will select participants in the program at the discretion of the Technical Committee in charge of the selection process. The Committee reserves the right not to allocate any benefits if they do not receive applications with sufficiently high sports and academic profiles.

Results will be communicated individually to each participant by June 28th 2024*.
The Technical Committee will be responsible for indicating the amount of the study award for each athlete and the specific benefits for the use of the University's services and facilities.

Awards and facilities will be awarded in 2 half-yearly tranches, a first tranche of 50% by 31 January 2025 on the basis of sports performance and a second tranche of 50% by 30 September 2025 on the basis of the sporting and academic performance achieved.

With reference to academic performance, minimum merit requirements must be met. For the purpose of calculating merit, the credit points valid for the program for which the benefit is requested will be taken into consideration.

Minimum merit requirements:

  • BSc and IMA programs - CPs at 10/09/2024
    • 1st year (BSc/IMA) retroactive confirmation (10/09/2025) - 44
    • 2nd year (BSc/IMA) - 49
    • 3rd year (BSc/IMA) - 95
    • 4th year (IMA) - 150
    • 5th year (IMA) - 220

  • MSc programs - CPs at 10/09/2024
    • 1st year retroactive confirmation (10/09/2025) - 39
    • 2nd year - 50

With reference to candidates academic performance of the University Master programs (I and II level), SDA Bocconi School of Management post-experiences and specialized master programs and PhD programs, minimum merit requirements will be defined by the Technical Committee upon consultation with the program Directors.

*Results' communication is postponed by July 5th 2024.


Bocconi Sport Team SSD
Direzione Sport & Wellness
Tel. 02.5836.5825

Bocconi Sport Talent 

APPLICATION CLOSED - Reopening in september

In order that the longer duration of studies which characterizes student athletes, due to sporting commitments, does not constitute an economic constraint on access to university studies, Bocconi University makes available to students who have distinguished themselves for a particular sporting merit, total exemptions from the payment of academic contributions for a maximum number of out-of-course years equal to the legal duration of the chosen course of study.

The number of years for which the exemption is available will be proportional to the period of actual competitive activity: for each previous year – concurrent with years of enrollment at the University – of certifiable competitive activity at an athletic club, a Federation, etc., one year of exemption will be offered. The assistance will be applied starting in the 2024-25 academic year and will not be effective retroactively. Therefore:

  • for students enrolled in a Bachelor of Science, the exemption can only be applied up to the 3rd year "fuori corso"
  • for students enrolled in a Master of Science, the exemption can only be applied up to the 2nd year "fuori corso"
  • for students enrolled in the Integrated Master of Arts, the exemption can only be applied up to the 5th year "fuori corso"


Applicants who have been admitted to the first year of one of the following programs for the academic year (2024-25) of reference:

  • Bachelor of Science
  • Master of Science
  • Integrated Master of Arts

Categories of interest

This category includes high-profile student-athletes who are members of national or foreign sports clubs or associations. These athletes will be able to continue practicing sports for the clubs or associations of membership, connected to the national federations of reference.

Support services available

Athletes selected for the Bocconi Sport Talent support program will be entitled to the following benefits:

  • full exemptions (limited to "fuori corso" students, students who have not been able to complete their studies in the time requested) (*)
  • encounters with other athletes who benefit from the same program
  • support service
  • the chance for priority access to the Bocconi University Residence 
  • free use of the fitness area at the Team Sport Arena with dedicated trainers
  • use of services at the “Bocconi Sport Center” (pool, gym, fitness) at special terms 

(*) The scholarship must be requested when the student enrolls in Bocconi University but it will be applied later on, at the end of the regular course of studies (i.e. 3 years for a 3-year program) if the student finds that they have not been able to complete their studies on time. The scholarship is, in fact, reserved to students who, because of high-level sporting commitments, which require a considerable amount of effort and time (e.g. training, sport trips, participating in competitions and/or national and international events) are not in the condition to end their studies in the expected amount of years (i.e. 3 years for a 3-year program).
The scholarship is therefore reserved exclusively to students who, having demonstrated their continuous dedication to their sporting activities during the years of the course of their chosen studies (i.e. 3 years for a 3-year program), are in need of additional time to complete their course. In this case, the University will allow the student to continue their studies – without asking for additional tuition and fees – for a maximum of years equal to the ones of their original program (i.e. an additional 3 years – maximum – for a 3-year program).

How to apply and admission information

Admission to “Bocconi Sport Talent” program will occur upon submission of an application to the specific call for applications. The procedure is summarized below.

The Sport Talent support program is compatible and can be combined with other scolarships granted by Bocconi University.


Students who meet the following pre-requisites may apply:

  • admitted to the first year of a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science or Integrated Master of Arts program at Bocconi University for the academic year of reference (2024-25)
  • take part in significant and demonstrated athletic activities at a competitive level, participating in or selected for competitions or tournaments organized at a national or international level at the time of enrollment in the academic year of reference (2024-25)
  • submit a sports CV and appropriate documentation demonstrating membership in teams/federations or competitions, etc.


Applications must be submitted from thursday 23rd May to friday 14th June 2024 (within 3pm) by sending an email with the documentation to be assessed (see "Required documentation") to the address with the object "Sport Talent application".

Applications will not be considered as regularly submitted applications, and therefore cannot be assessed for the benefit from students who:

  • do not meet the specified pre-requisites (see “Pre-requisites”)
  • submit information online after the deadlines
  • do not submit the application and documentation by the deadlines and according to the specified procedures


Using the appropriate upload procedure, applicants must submit the following documents. Failure to do so will result in the applicant not being admitted to the selection process.

  • sports CV complete with the description of sports played
  • a copy of the federal association membership card
  • declaration from the sports club of student membership
  • Bocconi University 2024-25 enrolment certificate (pdf printable from the Agenda yoU@B)


The selection of deserving profiles will be completed by a special sub-committee identified within the University’s Scholarship Committee. Applications submitted by student-athletes will be assessed with the aim of identifying profiles of particular athletic importance. Results will be communicated individually to each participant by June 28th 2024*.
Bocconi University will select participants for the program with the final decision of the Committee in charge of selection, which reserves the right to not allocate any assistance if it does not receive applications with adequately substantial athletic merit.

*Results' communication is postponed by July 5th 2024.


The full exemption may be revoked in the following cases:

  • in the event of false statements
  • in the event that the student recipient incurs disciplinary sanctions
  • in the event that the student recipient incurs disciplinary sanctions from sports institutions that could damage the University's image and dignity.

The revocation will take effect starting from the academic year in which the sanctioned behavior occurred and will entail full payment of tuition and fees for the year of reference and subsequent years.
Furthermore, recipients who fail to enroll in the new academic year by the deadline, do not obtain the minimum number of 30 credits required or do not submit appropriate documentation will be subject to forfeiture.


Bocconi Sport Team SSD
Direzione Sport & Wellness
Tel. 02.5836.5825